TAaaS is a new business idea challenging traditional HR consultancy, recruitment and business service models providing Business Leaders with an HR Service on demand and Senior HR Professionals with access to Transformational Talent, Business Change skills and an opportunity to bring relevant Capability to your organisation. 

Digital StarHow bright a companies digital star really shines depends on how connected their sales and distribution channels are. Research consistently shows the more digitally connected a companies sales and distribution channels are the greater their commercial performance. The following is opinion based and looks at why Physical Retail is not only evolving but is a critical part of the way customers want to shop and engage with a brand. The argument laid out is the Digital star is brightest when the customer is at the heart of a connected retail experience and it is Digital that provides the backbone for this to happen. 

NED non execRecently we wrote about how to gain your first Non-Exec Directorship (check out our blog pages) following on from that we wanted to look at the impact having a NED (Non-Exec Director) can have on a company, with attention to tech leadership.

First, it’s important to look at some of the general benefits of a NED:

Leadership and governance experience
Leading a company of any scale is a challenge, having the skills and resources at hand to make that as easy as possible is a real boost to making sure the organisation runs smoothly.

Why you need a fractional HR Director instead of a full-time hire!

Lots of companies require a heavyweight HR employee who can make a real difference for them, but many are reluctant in this climate to take someone on full time, in these cases bringing in a Fractional HR Director could be the answer.

There are some perceived disadvantages of using a fractional Director, and because of this there can be some reluctance to utilise Fractional Directors.

TAaaS CEO challengesIs your business ‘honest’ with itself when decision making?
Talk about ‘agile’ and other software development methodologies that can be (and arguably should be) adopted by the broader functional areas of a business to manage/accelerate productivity and decision making is common place in a tech firm or SW development environment. However, the majority of non tech organisations, small and large, are still overly sensitive about change and non-critical risk taking when it comes to making decisions to move their business forward.