TAaaS is a new business idea challenging traditional HR consultancy, recruitment and business service models providing Business Leaders with an HR Service on demand and Senior HR Professionals with access to Transformational Talent, Business Change skills and an opportunity to bring relevant Capability to your organisation. 

A growing focus on work life balance, giving something back and using knowledge to help others grow their businesses does, for some professionals experienced in the board room, mean a portfolio career is a serious consideration. The challenges of time management and ‘being seen’, balancing control with flexibility in the work place is changing. For those with extensive experience in Senior Leadership Teams and the Board Room, the opportunity to embrace

Portfolio careers can come in many forms, from a fast-paced movement of one position to a next, always looking for the next challenge, to being involved in numerous positions at once, with one or more being of a non-profit or artistic nature.

Flexibility in work can be an advantage for so many reasons, no matter the situation in someone’s personal life, being able to change the flow of work, or their workload can make a huge difference. With technological developments such as smaller and smaller laptops and the cloud, working remotely is a growing trend in workplaces, and a portfolio career can be combined with this to give an employee freedom to take ownership of their time, which is a huge boost for creativity as well as productivity.

Companies with workers that have a portfolio career also gain the benefit of their more varied experience. Due to these individuals having had time in numerous companies, or even working on their own business venture, they bring a full and detailed experience of numerous issues that companies and individuals have faced and overcome. This knowledge can be adapted and applied time and time again from business to business which is a benefit for all.

Portfolio careers aren’t the answer for everyone, there is less guarantee of a consistent level income and it can be harder to predict income for a year so many have to think about their level of utilisation and how to charge for their time. Maintaining a portfolio career, always looking for the next position or business opportunity can be exhausting for many. Juggling a number of income streams isn’t suitable for all; many can find the struggle of multiple part time high intensity engagements difficult to balance with the need to continually network and promote themselves for their next engagement.

A portfolio career opens doors for both employees and employers and is giving new options to modern working life. For advice on how to start or maintain a portfolio career email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..