TAaaS is a new business idea challenging traditional HR consultancy, recruitment and business service models providing Business Leaders with an HR Service on demand and Senior HR Professionals with access to Transformational Talent, Business Change skills and an opportunity to bring relevant Capability to your organisation. 

TAaaS SparksTAaaS is a company that really values our friends in business. As such we would love to introduce you a partner to our business; Andrew Johnson, founder of Gryffindor Ltd and qualified executive coach. We are thrilled to host him as the first of our guest writers in our blog.

Having an insight into what makes people ‘tick’ is often a mystery to many a leader, manager or business owner. It is often said in business that the only real tangible asset a business has is its people.

Understanding how best to understand, motivate and communicate with your team members is critical if you want to develop a successful business.

Imagine you were able to understand how to get the most from every individual in your team, to adapt your communication style to meet their needs and so maximise their performance

As a leader, if you have the knowledge and insight into why your team members behave the way they do, you have the opportunity to drive performance and productivity.

Lumina Spark is the next generation of professional development tools supporting individuals, teams and organisations to work more effectively and improve the bottom line. It is unique amongst psychometric tools because it avoids any stereotyping, viewing people as "human beings" rather than "human doings"

Lumina Spark provides a common framework, through a set of short questions, that people can use to better understand themselves and others. When these principles are understood within the working environment by leaders, managers and team members we begin to unlock the “people paradigm” and start to understand what motivates people, how they approach tasks and how they respond in any given situation. More specifically, Lumina Spark can be applied to a sales function for both the sales team and their customers.

Lumina Spark has now been used by over 100,000 people in X numbers of countries from International blue chip companies, SMEs, Public Sector and Not for Profit Organisations. Many of the world’s most successful companies are adopting it to provide them with valuable insight into their most important asset, people.


Lumina Spark can benefit your organisation in the following ways:

  • Have every business leader, manager, supervisor in your business able to manage more effectively by their awareness of how their team members think, react and behave the way they do.
  • Build more productive teams through the ability to place the best person on a particular task thus playing to the strengths of people within your team.
  • Help your managers and leaders become more aware of what motivates them, how they approach challenges, how they respond to conflict and how they react when under stress.
  • Improve every team member’s relationships in the workplace by allowing them insight into how best to communicate with each other to maximise performance.
  • Enabling you to develop a powerful sales and customer service function through improved communication and recognition of existing customer styles, thus driving sales opportunities and delivering great service to every customer.


To find out how Lumina Spark could help you get valuable insight into your people and teams get in touch today.


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